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Through the Lens

Mar 23, 2018

We don't know about you, but we like to be in control.

While our hearts yearn to live a life of full surrender to God, this hasn't always been easy. Time and time again we find ourselves desperately clinging to certain areas of our lives, rather than wholly entrusting every detail to an all-powerful God. Yet even in this struggle, we are gently called us to lay everything down at His feet--the big things and the small things. We see this call over and over again in the gospels, as Jesus calls his followers to lay themselves down--or in other words, to surrender--and to follow him.

Episode 11: Surrender is now available on iTunes and Stitcher. Come join us as we discuss what it means to surrender, why God calls us to surrender, and also discuss why it has been so frustratingly difficult for us to do.

Connect with us via Instagram @throughthelenspodcast or Facebook.  We'd love to hear your story.